Which membership is right for me?
Members must be checked out on proper and safe handling of the boat. They are also given a tour of the facilities and taken through club procedures for booking the boats, reporting issues, launching and returning boats.
Members must be 19 years of age or older. Members shall accept full responsibility for the safety of all guests while using WSA boats.
Members are only allowed to sail with guests or friends during club events, such as Wednesday night races or Supervised Sail sessions. Office staff must be present when guests are visiting with members. Guests must pay appropriate fees to participate and sign a waiver.
Family membership includes immediate family only (parents and kids). Relatives (including Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, etc) are subject to paying the appropriate fees.
Docking at any other docks/beaches on Alta Lake other than WSA docks is not permitted with club boats.
Members are not to use the facilities outside of club operating hours. WSA reserves the right to adjust these hours based on operational needs.
All users of WSA facilities and equipment must sign a waiver.
To accept responsibility for any injury, loss of equipment or damage to the boat during his/her use.
To volunteer a minimum of 8 hours to assist in either boat maintenance, club administration or events.
To report any loss or damage by phone or email within 2 hours after boat-use.
To follow WSA procedures for boat preparation, launching, docking, sailing and return of the boat & equipment.
To abide by the WSA and Coast Guard safety regulations (wear a life jacket, take paddle, bailer, bow-painter.)
To communicate with the Head Coach to make a reservation for boat use, sign in/out, update boat’s log.
To accept all responsibility for injuries or death caused to others, damage or loss of equipment caused by the member to others or others’ boats, equipment or property.
To follow club operating hours.
To abide by WSA COVID-19 safety protocols when using WSA facilities or equipment.
New Season Pass Members Skill Assessment and Orientation
You must book a skill assessment/orientation sail with us for the Seasons Pass membership. These sessions are an assessment of your skills. You will also be given an orientation of the club facilities and procedures. These sessions are 60 minutes long, please come prepared to sail.
The cost for these sessions is $60 and is non-refundable.
To schedule your orientation, contact our coaching team at info@whistlersailing.com or by phone at 604-229-2291. In your email please write in the subject line Sailing Assessment Required. Please give us a brief overview of your sailing experience and skills.
Upon successful completion of the Sailing Assessment session, you will be permitted to take the club Pirate sailboats out on your own.
If your skills are not at the standard, the $60 checkout fee can be applied to an adult course or private lesson offered by WSA.
All skippers can expect to be tested on the following;
boat rigging and de-rigging
boat launching
boat retrieval
30 min of sailing
club policies and rules
storage procedures
responsibilities of the Seasons Pass members
liability and responsibility

Volunteering for members
The Whistler Sailing Association is a community, as such we ask you to volunteer throughout the year to keep membership fees down and to continue providing high quality facilities and a family friendly environment. All members are encouraged to volunteer to assist with the maintenance of the equipment, events and activities. Each year we would like to see you volunteer approximately 8 hours. Volunteer opportunities include attending and helping with the annual boat launch, RMOW pitch in day, annual BC Circuit Regatta, Boat haul out and other events. Thank you in advance for your help and support.